Since 1955, Boy Scout Troop 221, Pleasant Hill, California, has delivered high-quality Boy Scout experiences to that focus on Service, Tradition, Learning, and Leadership Development. For over 60-years, Troop 221 has provided a fun, engaging, and instructive boy led Scout program.
Troop 221 Open House!
We invite Arrow of Light and Webelos Scouts to our Open House on November 4, 2024 at 7pm, at 277 Boyd Road in Pleasant Hill, CA. Come learn some Scout skills while seeing what makes our Troop special.
Quality and Accomplishments
Troop 221 has consistently earned the Gold-Level Quality Unit Awards for leadership, training, outdoor programs, and Boy Scout accomplishments. While there’s guidance from experienced Troop leaders, our Boy Scouts take their own lead, exploring places they’ve never been as they dive into the rugged world of outdoor adventure.
Eagle Scouts
The highest achievement rank in Scouting is the Eagle Scout. To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout must fulfill requirements in the areas of leadership, service, and outdoor skills.

Visit Troop 221
Interested in learning more about Troop 221 and the Boy Scouts of America? We invite you to schedule a visit Troop 221, meet our Troop Leaders, and learn more about our exciting Boy Scout program.